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› Github Actions set-env deprecation
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We get the following deprecation message in our github actions workflow
The `set-env` command is deprecated and will be disabled on November 16th.
Please upgrade to using Environment Files.
For more information see:
The CVE note in the link above directs us to the documentation: []
So how to fix the issue. We have to replace the way we set environment variables in our workflow.
We have an example step in our workflow something like this:
- name: Deploy ARM template
run: |
$output = az deployment group create --resource-group $ --template-file azuredeploy.json --parameters environment=dev --parameters administratorLogin=JallaJalla --parameters administratorLoginPassword=$
$armOutputObj = $output | ConvertFrom-Json
$webAppName = $
echo "::set-env name=webAppName::$webAppName"
shell: pwsh
In this case the line
echo "::set-env name=webAppName::$webAppName"
needs to be replaced with
echo "webAppName=$webAppName" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_ENV -Encoding utf8 -Append
! Keep in mind that different shells have different syntaxes.
So when you do this with shell: bash
the replacement should be echo "webAppName=$webAppName" >> $GITHUB_ENV
An example I found show differences in the use of env vars: []
MSG: Hello
name: Print environment variable
runs-on: windows-latest
- name: Print environment variable with cmd
run: echo "String matches %MSG%"
shell: cmd
- name: Print environment variable with powershell
run: echo "String matches $env:MSG"
shell: powershell
- name: Print environment variable with bash
run: echo "String matches $MSG"
shell: bash
- name: Print environment variable with pwsh
run: echo "String matches ${env:MSG}" # Use $env:MSG also can work
shell: pwsh
- name: Print environment variable with python
run: |
import os
print("String matches", os.environ['MSG'])
shell: python